Search Youngtown, Arizona Homes
Unique is the one word that perfectly describes the essence of Youngtown, a community of 6,200 with a distinct village feel that is located in the midst of the thriving megalopolis of Phoenix, Arizona. Originally designed to be a retirement community, the Town boasts a lovely lake, seven parks, and a distinctively designed town center named Clubhouse Square.
Youngtown has grown from a community of 80% post-55 residents to one of 80% young people. Families abound, and the town is changing with the times. Leadership and management have boldly moved to rejuvenate the town – increasing landscape and introducing public art.
Youngtown encourages the revitalization of commercial and residential areas into pedestrian-oriented developments that provide various commercial mixes within a convenient walking distance.
At the core of the town’s new brand is promoting a distinct, unified theme that will reinforce the branding process and improve the market attractiveness of the private and public sectors’ area for investments.